Our Services

Global Settlements

Transform your cross-border settlements across 100+ currencies through our advanced platform. Our comprehensive solution includes commercial invoice processing and global payout capabilities, with cash disbursement services available worldwide through our established banking network. Operating with full regulatory compliance and robust security measures across all jurisdictions

Foreign exchange

Access competitive real-time FX rates through our sophisticated trading platform, designed to optimize your currency operations. Experience complete transparency with our straightforward and competitive pricing structure. Our dynamic platform puts you in control with instant access to live market rates across all major currencies. Streamline your multi-currency transactions with efficient settlement processes and real-time monitoring tools.

Advanced platform

Experience enterprise-grade security coupled with an intuitive interface. From seamless onboarding to comprehensive account management, our platform delivers excellence through innovative technology. Benefit from automated compliance, real-time tracking, and sophisticated reporting tools – all integrated into one unified solution. Manage your complete transaction lifecycle through our secure, user-friendly platform.

Cash management

Advanced cash management solutions. Optimise your treasury operations with our comprehensive cash management solution from liquidity optimisation to cash processing. Our solution delivers the control and visibility your business needs to control capital effectively.

Ready to elevate your global settlement capabilities? Partner with Geond to access our comprehensive range of services.

Send your money to 60+ countries without borders at lowest cost